Google: Bald reicht eventuell eine Anmeldung für alle Domainvarianten

(c) Shutterstock/BLACKDAY
John Müller berichtete in einem der letzten Google Webmaster Hangouts, dass es künftig voraussichtlich ausreicht, die Root-Domain als Property in der Search Console anzulegen. Eine Property für alle anderen Domainvarianten sei dann nicht mehr notwendig.
Bisher müssen sämtliche Domainvarianten wie,,, separat hinterlegt werden. Auch Subdomains brauchen bisher eine eigene Property. Zukünftig will Google die verschiedenen Varianten aus der Root-Domain ableiten. Eventuell können sogar bestehende Subdomains berücksichtigt werden. Hierzu soll aber noch das Feedback von Nutzern eingeholt werden.
Hier der O-Ton von John Müller:
Where basically you just add your your root of your website and then we automatically kind of include the dub dub dub (www), non dub dub dub (www), HTTP, HTTPS versions in the same listing. So that you have all of the data in one place.
Maybe what even make sense to include subdomains there. I don’t know we probably like to get your feedback on that. So you probably will will ask around for for more kind of tips from your side in that regard.
So I still need to add both versions to Search Console so the dub-dub-dub (www) and the non dub dub dub (www) version?
Yes. At the moment, we recommend doing that just so that you have all of the data.
We’re currently looking into kind of ways to make that process a little bit easier. So we’ll probably ask around for for input from I mean I don’t know on Twitter or somewhere else to see what your your ideas are there. Where basically you just add your your root of your website and then we automatically kind of include the dub dub dub (www), non dub dub dub (www), HTTP, HTTPS versions in the same listing. So that you have all of the data in one place.
Maybe what even make sense to include subdomains there. I don’t know we probably like to get your feedback on that. So you probably will will ask around for for more kind of tips from your side in that regard.
But at the moment if you want to make sure you have all of the, data I definitely recommend adding all of those variations, even though it clutters things up a little bit. I know that sometimes but looks a bit messy.
Headerbild: (c) Shutterstock/BLACKDAY
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